Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Career Goals

I have always had career goals and the most recent career goals I have achieved is being able to quit my day-time job and only DJ for a living. I feel this is an incredible achievement for anyone who is a DJ because that means that you are getting consistent work in a town that is saturated with a lot of people who think they are DJs. Also, it feels good to get paid and be financially stable for something that you love to do anyways, so in reality I am already living the dream. Another career goal that I have accomplished is going back to college and trying to get my bachelor's degree after taking about seven years off. I know it was going to be a challenge, and so far I have enjoyed the journey and am glad I came back to pursue a degree. My current career goal is to finish up school at the end of this year with a bachelor's degree, and depending on different opportunities I will probably move out of Las Vegas. I ultimately want to be a creative editor for music videos, and I am already connected to a lot individuals in the music industry because of my DJ history. I know I really have to put myself out there, and I feel that with this class it has given me the knowledge and tools to be successful. Connecting with creative editors in the music industry is really where I want to focus on, and learn on how they became successful in the industry. I have been video editing for about eight years now, and the cool thing is you can edit videos from anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and Internet. So if the opportunity arises, I want to move out of the country. These are some of the key factors that I will use to evaluate my next career opportunity.

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